Expect to be enlightened, amazed, informed, and intrigued by these first four: "Pocahontas and Sacagawea - Interwoven Legacies in American History" by Cyndi Spindell Berck, "Comments on the North American Travels of Le Rochefoucauld-Liancourt 1794-1798 by Daniel Vaugelade, "George Washington's Mulatto Man - Who was Billy Lee ?" by James Thompson, and "The Hour of the Mistress" by Thomas Crocker
(PRWEB) January 14, 2015
In her new book, Pocahontas and Sacagawea - Interwoven Legacies in American History, author Cyndi Spindell Berck weaves the stories of two Native American heroines with those of their friends, kin, and contemporaries, tracing a slice of American migration from the first permanent English settlement in Jamestown, Virginia, across the Appalachian Mountains, through the land of the Cherokees, to St. Louis, up the Missouri River, and finally to the Pacific. We meet John Smith, Daniel Boone, and William Clark on this journey. We also meet famous mountain man James Beckwourth, who was a friend of Sacagawea’s son, and a Northern Paiute woman named Sarah Winnemucca, whose family gave its name to a town in Nevada.
To read more please visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/01/prweb12437594.htm
Host Andrew Mills and the author of "The Birth of Virginia's Aristocracy" explore how a handful of prominent men transformed themselves and their families into an upper crust that dominated the colony of Virginia for more 200 years.
(PRWEB) December 10, 2014
Early risers can watch this informative episode of Virginia Time Travel on Cox Cable - Channel 10 and on Verizon Fios - Channel 10 at 6:00 AM on Tuesday, December 23. It will run again on Christmas Day at 6:00 PM and on Friday, December 26 at and at 9:30 PM. It can also be seen TimeTravel21 Utube program page.
Today, we tend to view Virginia’s Aristocracy as 18th century people who lived in big houses and chased foxes. In this half-hour program, Andrew and Jim touch on several forgotten details. One of the most important to remember is that colonizing Virginia was a commercial venture directed by men who aimed to make money. The Englishmen who came to Virginia between 1607 and 1660 included a few well-to-do treasurer hunters, dozens of second sons and dispossessed royalists, hundreds of middle class tradesmen, and thousands of impoverished laborers who arrived as indentured servants. Most of these “adventurers” came to Virginia make their fortunes. Seventy percent of them met untimely ends.
To read more please visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2014/12/prweb12379060.htm
Welcome Daniel Vaugelage: scholar and author of several informative publications about France during its enlightened age and the during the tumultuous revolution that followed it.
(PRWEB) November 26, 2014
M. Vaugelade's first title with Commonwealth Books of Virginia will be an English edition of a book that was published in France in 2010: "Comments on The American Travels Journals of La Rochefoucault-Liancourt 1794-1798."
M. Vaugelade was born in 1952 and has always lived in Freneuse, one of the ancient parishes of the Duchy of La Roche-Guyon, very close to the ancestral home of the La Rochefoucauld family. After studying history at Paris X Nanterre, he taught history throughout his career in the secondary school Camille Claudel in Mantes la Ville. His taste for historical research led him first to become interested in the history of the village and the region and naturally that of the duchy of La Roche-Guyon and its famous owners: the Duchess of Enville (1716-1797), her son, Louis Alexandre, Duke de La Rochefoucauld (1743-1792), and her nephew Alexandre François, later Duke de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (1747-1827). These accomplished French intellectuals were all friends of Thomas Jefferson, who frequently called on them at Duke Louis Alexandre’s townhome on rue de Seine in Paris.
To read more please visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2014/11/prweb12350054.htm