Commonwealth Books of Virginia Congratulates James Thompson Who will Appear on Virginia Time Travel's 100th Episode, on December 23rd, December 25th, and on December 29th December 10 2014

Host Andrew Mills and the author of "The Birth of Virginia's Aristocracy" explore how a handful of prominent men transformed themselves and their families into an upper crust that dominated the colony of Virginia for more 200 years.

(PRWEB) December 10, 2014

Early risers can watch this informative episode of Virginia Time Travel on Cox Cable - Channel 10 and on Verizon Fios - Channel 10 at 6:00 AM on Tuesday, December 23. It will run again on Christmas Day at 6:00 PM and on Friday, December 26 at and at 9:30 PM. It can also be seen TimeTravel21 Utube program page.

Today, we tend to view Virginia’s Aristocracy as 18th century people who lived in big houses and chased foxes. In this half-hour program, Andrew and Jim touch on several forgotten details. One of the most important to remember is that colonizing Virginia was a commercial venture directed by men who aimed to make money. The Englishmen who came to Virginia between 1607 and 1660 included a few well-to-do treasurer hunters, dozens of second sons and dispossessed royalists, hundreds of middle class tradesmen, and thousands of impoverished laborers who arrived as indentured servants. Most of these “adventurers” came to Virginia make their fortunes. Seventy percent of them met untimely ends.

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